Thursday, 27 March 2008

Companies are realizing that to build their brands, they need to build relationships

In the dark days of advertsing--in the pre-interent ages, brands were able to prosper on the inabilty of people to get information. The only things consumers had to go on were
logos, spokespersons and slogans.

With the limitless access to information the power is now back into the consumers hands and brands like Zappos and Google are making decisions to invest in consumers over advertising. Havas Media Lab director and London economist Umair Haque on Harvard Business Online writes," Google is a living example of a deeper truth: The future of communications as advantage lies in talking less and listening more."

read the Adweek article here

Friday, 21 March 2008

Arby's tries their hand at Social Media

Arby's first crack at leveraging social media involves a video contest and facebook app. The winner becomes the next member of Arby’s Rescue Brigade whose sole mission is to save the world from ordinary fast food.The Facebook app lets you send virtual Arby's menu items to friends.

via AdFreak

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Posters that talk

The concept aptly named," Giving Everyone A Voice" is a United Nations awareness initiative for people whose "plight normally goes unseen and unheard."
A campaign which engaged users by leveraging some amazing mobile phone and digital image recognition technologies, posters with images of faces instructed people to,“Photograph my mouth with your mobile. Send it to 0428 641 658. Within a few minutes your mobile will ring and you’ll hear my story.”

All in all, there was no better way to make this emotional connection then hearing the stories first hand. This campaign also had a natural ability to segue into the online space where the original seven voices sparked numerous if not thousands of conversations.
via the inspiration room

Wednesday, 5 March 2008