Monday, 28 April 2008

Adidas, wants an original with an unoriginal U.G.C. contest

Adidas is running a standard fare U.G.C. contest. Add your photo, upload videos from YouTube and pictures from Flickr and voila'get discovered.

see it here

Thursday, 17 April 2008

The antidote to bouncing traffic; engagement

Seth Godin speaks about the three seconds you have to convince a consumer to stick around your point of destination.

read it here

Friday, 11 April 2008

Space, the new Times Square

Doritos, is doing it again. First it was the Super Bowl and now they're foraying into real uncharterd territory by making history with the world's first extra terrestrial advertisement.

The Doritos Broadcast Project ran a consumer generated contest to create a 30 second video clip that could be beamed out to the universe offering a snap shot of life on earth.

view the spot

read the article

props to brian for this lead

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Twitter, revisited

Currently, following people is the true extent of my Twitter use. But Ian Schafer makes a convincing argument of how for certain conversations Twitter is more effective than email or instant messaging.
read it here

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Consumer Generated Movie

This contest is run by Paulo Coelho, the author of a book called," The Witches of Portobello," which is told from multiple perspectives. This consumer generated contest is unique in that he asks his readership to choose a character from the book and film the segment of the book in which that character is the narrator; theres 15 in total. The winning segments are professionally edited and the film is told from the multiple perspectives. The entire movie will then be submitted to film festivals.

Another interesting aspect of this is contest is that Coelho attracts the specific talent he's looking for by hosting his contest strictly through the social network MySpace. Here he asks the users to enter the contest by uploading their work through their MySpace account. The music for the feature film, is also via MySpace inviting musicians from this venue to enter their work for some notriety and a paid fee of 1500.00 euros.

I think this contest lends itself well to being consumer generated in that it will actually be told by many different voices and the fact that he draws his talent from a social network makes it feel more authentic or home grown.