Friday, 31 October 2008

Its all about you

One of simply done, smart spots for With online booking for hotels, reviews are standard and expected but I like the fact that uses, you-the user; you-the hero as their selling point. The message: "Your input on is valued and rewarded."

see it here

Saturday, 25 October 2008

The lines are blurring

"You can really see the lines blurring when Bud Light’s “Swear Jar” viral with 12 million hits and thats never aired on the boob tube receives an Emmy Award for “Outstanding Commercial.

via five blogs before lunch

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

N.Y.C. gets the picture

Realizing the value of consumer journalism and photography, NYC and Mayor Bloomberg are making good on a promise. As of September 9, 2008, 911 and 311 can now receive pictures and videos from cell phones and computers.

Read it here

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Twitter dee, Twitter do

This BrandWeek article, titled," Sour Tweets Get Sweet Results" is about how companies initially used Twitter for social media monitoring purposes, helping them nip negative comments from consumers in the bud. But this article from Marketing Daily explains how microblogging has evolved into a way for companies to endear themselves with and build brand loyalty among their consumers.

An early adopter with this is Zappos, the online shoe company. Along with the CEO Tony Hsieh, 300 of the 1600 employees tweet,"talking and listening to each other about what’s working and what’s not, what’s hot and what’s not, and basically anything else that provides the “pulse” of the market." Read how this trail blazing company has seen its sales increase from from $70 million five years ago to $1 billion today.